应用 for 学生残疾服务

To receive disability-related accommodations and services, please:

  • 应用 and get accepted for admission to A&移动商务 through the regular admissions process.
  • Complete the 学生残疾服务 应用程序 使用 如何应用 指南.
  • 使用以下命令提交文档 文档指南.

提交给我们办公室的文件应该是全面和最新的根据 指南lines for documentation. 文档 should include the following:

  • 评估者的名字, address, telephone number(in the event our department needs to contact the evaluator), and professional credential relevant to the diagnosis(i.e. 医学博士,Ph值.D. LSSP等).
  • 一份明确的残疾诊断说明,包括严重程度.
  • A description of the diagnostic methodology used. Quality documentation includes a description of the diagnostic criteria, 评价方法, 程序, tests and dates of administration, 还有临床叙事, 观察, 具体的测试结果.
  • 描述学生当前的功能限制或症状,因为它们与诊断陈述直接相关, and an explanation of why the student needs accommodations.
  • A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability.
  • A description of current and past accommodations, services and/or medications.
  • 如果提供, any recommendations for accommodations, 自适应设备, 辅助服务, 补偿策略和/或附带支持服务必须由文件支持.
  • 根据残疾的性质,文件可能需要是最新的,在1-5年内.
  • 的 documentation must be on letterhead, typed, dated and signed.

作出残疾诊断的专业人员应该是受过适当训练的评估人员, 比如医生, 心理学家, psychiatrist or educational diagnostician. 例如, an audiologist would diagnose a hearing impairment; a psychiatrist, 心理学家 or clinical social worker would diagnose a psychological disability. 文档 from a family member or family friend is not acceptable.

学生残疾服务 provides 指南lines for documentation. If you have any questions about the documentation that is requested, please feel free to contact us at 903.886.5835.

We reserve the right to request additional information or evaluation. 然而, 有关获取评估所需资源的信息可从我们的办公室获得.

We serve as the repository for medical documentation of disabilities. 提交给我们的文件是保密的,仅用于帮助学生识别和确保住宿和服务,以支持他们充分参与A&移动商务.

Request Accommodation Letters

请求你的 住宿信 from 学生残疾服务 at the beginning of 每学期.

  • Accommodations are provided on an individual basis as needs arise.
  • Examples of accommodations include extended testing time, 口译员, 做笔记, 读者服务, 抄写员服务, audiobooks and other adaptive technology.
  • 学生残疾服务也为学生提供与倡导相关的问题和情况的支持, accessibility and on-campus housing.

学生残疾服务 is a resource for information, 包括但不限于, 辅导服务, study skills and time management, 社区资源, disability awareness and other university services.


残疾学生服务处的使命是透过提供服务,促进学生无障碍学习, accommodations and technology for A&移动商务 students with disabilities.


学生残疾服务中心为自闭症学生开展的名为“非典型大使”的试点项目已进入第四年. 非典型大使项目的使命是在A&为选定的非典型大使举办的移动商务活动,由各校园利益相关者提供指导, 研讨会和资源,以改善自闭症学生的结果,并提高对自闭症的认识&移动商务社区.

For more information, contact 天堂邓恩 at (电子邮件保护).


学生残疾服务提供了一些旨在教育教师和工作人员关于残疾相关主题的演讲. 我们的团队将在您方便的时间到您的办公室或部门进行演示. Please select from the available presentations below and email 凯莉·威廉姆斯 安排.






如果你对在校外测试住宿有疑问, contact the appropriate person from the list below.


What are special housing accommodation requests that can be made?

Some special housing requests that can be made, based on 应用程序 and documentation submitted, include but are not limited to:

  • 轮椅无障碍室
  • 一楼的房间
  • Strobe light (for hearing-impaired students)
  • 盲文(房间号码)
  • 浴缸或滚筒式淋浴
  • Use of a service animal or emotional support animal
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Does the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) apply to higher education?

《皇冠体育365赌博》是由美国特殊教育和康复服务办公室的特殊教育项目办公室执行的法律.S. 教育部. This law does not apply to higher education.

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How do I apply with 学生残疾服务?

请参阅 如何登记 请示.

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我没有文件. 我还能用SDS申请吗?


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我是聋子. Can I receive CART or interpreting services?

是的, you can receive these services. 以避免服务延误, 学生应至少提前两周通知SDS他们的口译或CART需求.

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How do I take exams with SDS?

学生必须提前5个工作日注册参加SDS的考试/测验. 业务 days are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. 到5点.m. (假期除外).

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I am not receiving my accommodations. 我该怎么办??

Please contact SDS to speak with your case manager.

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What will be listed on my accommodation letter?

Your accommodation letter will list the accommodations that you receive. Your diagnosis will not be listed.

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How do I inform my professors of my accommodations?

学生 must request their accommodations EVERY semester. 请参考 怎样索取信件 请示.

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Does a student have to inform A&移动商务 that they have a disability?

A student with a disability does not have to disclose their disability to A&移动商务. Disclosure of a disability is voluntary. 然而, 学生将不会收到住宿,除非他们披露这些信息的学生残疾服务办公室.

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Americans with Disabilities Act on Higher 教育 of 1990 影响整个机构,包括活动、设施、项目和就业. 《皇冠体育365》要求高等教育机构为学生提供合理的便利.

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学生可以选择直接从我们的办公室签署FERPA发布表格,与家长讨论他们的情况. 的 release cannot be a blanket release for the student’s entire college career.

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高等教育机构对残疾学生的责任与高中有很大的不同. 要求高中学历, 在想法, 找出残疾学生的教育需要,并提供免费及适当的教育.

This responsibility is not required of higher education institutions. 高等教育机构必须提供适当和合理的学术便利,以确保残疾学生不受歧视. 学生有责任向学校披露自己的残疾,并寻求帮助.

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Can a parent request accommodations for their child?

All requests for accommodations must come directly from the student.

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Can a student’s personal attendant live in the residence hall?

学生的个人随从可以住在学生宿舍,但个人随从必须是A的学生&移动商务. 学校不提供个人随从,但可以帮助学生找到一个. 需要个人助理的学生应与学生残疾服务部门讨论. SDS is not required to provide personal attendants.

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  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011



8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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